Our story begins with paint splatter, sketch books and pages composed for children’s books. Growing up in a family of artists, designers & musicians Rachel was surrounded by creative thinkers, making her biggest asset creativity. Her mother, a local artist, created the foundation for out of the box thinking tailored with the fundamentals of classic design knowledge.

  • Rachel Gerstner
    Rachel Gerstner Owner

Creativity and an eagerness to help others led her into the dental world. After working several years as a dental assistant building relationships with not only the staff, but the patients, Rachel went on to become a well sought after dental hygienist. Her patients taught her the most valuable skills to grow a practice. After working clinically for years Rachel soon realized her knowledge, design skills and passion to continue to develop technical skills could help not just one practice or company but many more through the development of dental marketing strategies that are applied in dental settings, as well as, well structured business settings i.e law firms.

With a degree in applied sciences, Rachel stepped out of the 8–5 world in 2014 and began helping businesses of every size appreciate their clientele, share their vision and brand with the world and focus on marketing with a purpose.

Marketing is more than placing an ad, it’s relational, strategic and powerful if done right. What impactful statement is your marketing making for your business?

Rachel’s accomplishments include publication of product photography, social media awards for clients and the honor of public speaking for multiple events in large attendance on digital topics.

  • Rachel Gerstner
    Rachel Gerstner Owner
  • Bright Crayon Marketing has helped my business from the startup phase to take off. The owner's business and marketing advise has been so helpful. She created my logo and helped me brand my company. If you are looking for a company that knows social media & graphics Bright Crayon Marketing is the place to go!

  • Rachel, the owner, knew exactly what I wanted to convey in my website and helped me achieve this. She is very knowledgeable and creative. I had a very positive experience. She is now creating my business cards. I highly recommend Bright Crayon Marketing for all your website and marketing needs!